Fresh Off The Blog

Easy and Free Ways to Take Charge of Your Stress

Easy and Free Ways to Take Charge of Your Stress

Stress causes the body to tense which causes muscular tension. When your muscles are tense your breathing becomes shallow which decreases oxygen levels in the blood. The brain detects this and increases your heart rate, which elevates your blood pressure.  Here are...

Is It Depression Or Is It Your Thyroid?

Is It Depression Or Is It Your Thyroid?

You eat right, you exercise, you get regular check-ups and follow the basic guidelines of good health. So, why don’t you feel great? Why are you having weight issues? Why are you so tired, foggy, depressed, anxious—or all of the above? You may be one of the one in...

EMDR Unplugging The Trauma Matrix

EMDR Unplugging The Trauma Matrix

Have you wondered what EMDR therapy is? Have you been in and out of traditional talk therapy and made minimal progress? EMDR therapy might just be what you are looking for. But first, learn about what EMDR is and dispell some common EMDR myths. This is a guest blog...