We are constantly bombarded with people telling us to do yoga.  I don’t know about you but I actually resisted it for quite a while.  I had no interest in going to HOT Yoga or YMCA yoga.  So I tried some yoga on Youtube and just couldn’t keep up!  I kept thinking that there is no way this kind of yoga could help with my stress.  That all changed when I met Dana!  Dana is a therapeutic yoga teacher and she is fantastic!  She created a personalized yoga practice just for me that I can practice all at once or throughout the day as needed.  You might see me drop into a yoga pose in between client sessions.

I am honored to share Dana’s blog post on not just yoga, but how you can take yoga to the next level with yoga sutras.  If you want to learn about yoga sutras and how they will powerfully transform your yoga practice please CLICK HERE for the full article!


Yoga is a system of living: Namaste’

Therapeutic yoga is my passion.  But yoga is so much more than poses and stretches.  Yoga sutras take therapeutic yoga to the next level and will help you to live a healthier life.  In this blog I will describe my favorite sutra and what a sutra really is.

2.1 Tapaha Svadyaya isvara pranidanani kriya yoga  (YOGA SUTRA)

1: Purification (self-control)

2: Self study

3: Faith in something bigger than self

This sutra happens to be my favorite. My mantra. My driving force to a healthy, well-balanced life. It is a guideline I try and live by to give me direction. Success is varied of course, but the intention to stay the course of the sutra is invaluable.

What it means is as simplistic or complicated as you choose to make it. I try and keep it simple which is why I presented it the way I did at the beginning of this article. But, it wouldn’t be much of a blog with out a bit more explanation, so here goes…  [TO CONTINUE TO FULL YOGA ARTICLE CLICK HERE]