Are you tired of the same old therapy?  Look no more, it’s time we took therapy off the couch and on to the streets.  Meaning, let’s take a walk while we talk.  Here is an article that was published a few years ago by me that I want to revive for you!  Ready to do some walk and talk therapy?

Taking Therapy off the Couch

During the winter in the Midwest United States many clients display depressive symptoms due to inactivity, lack of sunlight and body chemical shifts. As an avid jogger myself, I recognize how my own activity level impacts my mood throughout the seasons. I have taken this information and have applied it to my own therapy practice by way of walking and talking with clients.

As clinicians we often tell our clients about the benefit they will experience through exercise. But, we don’t often have the experience of movement with them or the ability to get them started. As a solo practitioner I have had the benefit of becoming more creative and flexible in my approach to healing and wellness.