Who am I?

What seems like a straightforward question to answer can be quiet difficult. Who are you?? What do you like? Describe who you are without using the roles you play in life. These are usually difficult questions because we never stop to ask them!  How do you Overcome Anxiety Due to Expectations and Comparison To Others?

Each of us has a unique gift to share with the world. That uniqueness is YOU. You are a gift to this world. No matter what you have been through, done, accomplished, or not accomplished, you are still a gift.

As you are!

Yet when we try to prove our worth, we are actually hiding that worth.

Let me try to explain this! Proving who we are or what we have to offer the world is about others expectations of us. Inherently, when we work to meet others expectations, we adjust to them. We confirm to the expectations! Then if we aren’t noticed, we attempt to confirm more, so we are. Proving ourselves is about putting who we are into a box of other’s expectations.

Yet, you are the gift. As you are!

How do you break down the box you have created for yourself? You listen to the nudging of your spirit. The internal guidance system that has been with you since you were born and wants the best for you. To do that, you need to get very quiet. That mean voice in your head, let’s call her BiBi (short for bitchy bitch), is getting too much of your attention. BiBi lives in the land of should.

  • You should be nicer. You should be skinnier. You should be more successful. You should _______________

This is the land of judgment, condemnation, and working to meet others expectations. The shoulds are about others. Connecting to you is about YOU.

To live our life knowing who we are, we have to stop living in the place of shoulds and instead live in the place of I am.

I am nice. I am beautiful. I am successful. I am worthy, just as I am!

When we start to live in this place of self-acceptance, self-love, and confidence, we no longer need to prove ourselves to anyone. We don’t require their approval of us. We approve of who we are!

Then the magic begins. From this point, you can know who you are and live a life just being that magical gift to the world.

Please share your gift with the world. We are all waiting for you!

This is a guest blog post from Meshaelle Pate, Confidence Coach.

CLICK HERE to listen to her podcast episode from Kick Off Your Damn Heels with Dr. Teralyn