Let’s face it, how stressful is it when we have our family, the media, and even ourselves fear-mongering that ‘Time is running out,’ ‘There’s not many eggs left,’ or the ‘Oh, you’re not pregnant, yet’ followed by ‘When will you get pregnant?’

Worst of all, when it feels like you’ve tried everything and all you are left with is that glimpse of hope to have that complete family you always wanted, but every other moment just feels like the timeline isn’t in your favor.

That is just a glimpse of what some of the 7.4 million women are sharing in social media platforms, to their friends, and their doctors every day.

This process can be overwhelming: Normal blood tests. PCOS. Hashimoto’s. Thyroid issues. IVF. IUI. Clomid. Anovulatory period. Less than 5% success rate. Rinse and repeat for what doesn’t seem to end, while others are succeeding.

Whether it’s the struggle to get pregnant or keeping the pregnancy, no one prepares you for the hate that you feel for yourself because your body can’t just do what it is “meant to do.” Unfortunately, it doesn’t target one kind of person, but it ranges from people who never got pregnant, got pregnant, mothers trying to conceive for their 2nd/3rd child. It seems like there’s no positive sign.

The answer is actually quite simple, but easily overlooked.

Obviously, we all want healthy babies, and to achieve that we need healthy parents first and foremost.

5 Secrets to Fertility Wellness

1. State of Mind – Assess your self-talk and your non-negotiables, does it align? You are helping to create another life and it can take more than 100% out of you, or feel like it does.

2. The Foundation – Putting the right essential ingredients together in a properly functioning body

3. Openness – Learning that your body will change and demand a different version of you.

4. Repeat – Consistent actions of wellness.

5. You – it’s not what you do, but how YOU perform those steps. Your specific intention changes your biochemistry, and it shifts from day to day.

The secret is ‘You are enough.’ There’s things that happened in the past and things that will be expected of the future, and the only way to start writing for your own story is by taking your first step for the present. Taking charge of your fertility wellness by knowing those essential foundations that affects us at the core.

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift called present.”

So time to start writing your own story and trust that you have the foundational components to start. Despite what “everyone else” says, time is on your side because healing and understanding takes time. You have options – the choice is to choose the best one for you.

As a pressured aging woman myself with past health issues, I am the last to judge on what decision any one makes with their body. I honor each person’s choice, and hope to provide the options that there’s always a safer, healthier way without being overwhelmed. How to do so – start with what normal physiology is all will follow. It starts a simple click! Click for your 3 Essential Foundation PDF Guide.

Dr. Kate Wong, DC

Andromeda Wellness

FREE PDF on the 3 essential foundations to start taking charge of your fertility:


Website: https://www.andromedawellness.com/

Instagram: @drkatewongdc



As a chiropractor by profession, I simply facilitate life by analyzing and adjusting the spine to reduce the interference that is hindering the life you are meant to live. That is why it’s vital to have wellness for yourself, necessary to create more life. I work with families in all stages of parenthood – before, during, and after.