Dr Teralyn: (00:39)
I’m Dr Teralyn and I am here with my colleague Andrea Caprio, and she is going to talk about five sacred secrets to beating emotional eating once and for all. And the majority of you have probably heard that I have struggled in this area a lot. So I love to hear, um, ways to help with this. So I am super excited to hear what you have to say, Andrea, about this much needed topic. So with that being said, Hello Andrea, and how about you tell everybody who you are, what you do and all of that good stuff.

Andrea Caprio: (01:18)
Hi, Dr Teralyn, and everybody else. Thanks for having me here. I’m so excited. I must say I’ve been listening to your podcast for some while and love what you’re doing, so thank you for it.

Dr Teralyn: (01:29)
Thank you. Yeah.

Andrea Caprio: (01:31)
Um, so I am a weight loss coach, and I work especially with entrepreneurs and help them to overcome emotional eating. And Sarah Lynn and myself have both studied together at the institute of Transformational Nutrition. And I think that’s why both we are very passionate about helping people on a much deeper level and not just kind of give another diet or another meal plan or whatever that I personally don’t believe, and I think you’re the same, right?

Dr Teralyn: (02:01)
Yeah. Yes, absolutely. Right. Which is why this whole emotional eating stuff, I’m like, this is where we need to go. It’s not just about another diet or another way to eat food. It is so much deeper than that. So yes, absolutely.

Andrea Caprio: (02:15)
And that’s definitely something, I mean, I’ve been working for some a couple of years with my clients and I actually realized that, you know, so I go very deep on various chronic illnesses and so on. But I saw actually that almost everybody comes to me, what’s Waco say? Shoes and fun styling. Everybody has some sort of emotional stress eating, emotional eating and emotional root causes. And that’s what I’m really super passionate about actually is to help people find what are those root causes and of course overcome them because that’s for me the only way where people actually can get long term health results and keep the weight off and overcome the emotion that you’d see. And really a by diving part in and taking the time. Uh, yes you see sometimes very quick results but actually really making it a long term. It takes also, you know, to first overcome it, but then also to implement healthy habits and that I’m really passionate as well because in the entry don’t want to fight our whole life against willpower and things like that. And you know, like this whole discipline thing and so on. They tend to actually so much easier. And then it’s just like, you know, I always say like brushing your teeth in the morning. I mean, we don’t think about that anymore. But then eventually the eating becomes, because we’ve overcome all blockages and all that, then it’s like brushing your teeth.

Dr Teralyn: (03:38)
Oh, that would be fantastic. And as, as you were talking, I kept thinking like a peaceful relationship with food. Like let’s just have peace around it, you know? Um, like brushing your teeth, like it’s pretty peaceful. I don’t stress out about brushing my teeth. I might stress out about flossing, but you know, the rushing part is totally fine, you know? But establishing a peaceful relationship with food I think is, is paramount.

Andrea Caprio: (04:03)
So, yeah, but guess what I’m sure about, I don’t know. But most people, you know, they’ve been brushing their teeth forever, but not necessarily flossing, but we learn to floss allergies because we do it when we brush our teeth. So it’s kind of, you know, binding two things together on existing habits for the new habit actually helps numbered spots. A little tip for everybody. We’ll listen here and I find that they’re useful. Something I teach my clients, it’s always, you know, making it easy. And that’s something, that’s one of my sacred secrets.

Dr Teralyn: (04:32)
Ah, Nice. I didn’t even know. I didn’t even know. All right, with that, let’s get started. What is sacred secret number one?

Andrea Caprio: (04:41)
Perfect. So the first secret is to clarify your direction actually gets super clear actually. What are you goals? Now a lot of people say, oh, I wanted to lose 10 pounds. Um, first of all, a lot of people have been let down so often by other programs or diets and they believe they can only lose 10 pounds, but secretly that might want to lose 30 pounds or 40 pounds or whatever it is. So that’s first of all, something that’s really key if you want. And if your ideal roid whatever that is, is to lose 40 pounds, then aim for the 40 pounds, not probably 10 pounds. So get super clear on your direction and the goals. And then it’s also like make it about what you want to look like. You know, your issue might be okay, you’re not sitting in this tiny 15 chains or the little black dress. And you know, when you go out with your husband to look awesome and it’s, you’re up with your eyes, you know, if that’s something, or perhaps you want to be healthy because you want to see your kids grow up and play with your grandkids, you’re not. So really get very clear on what the real goal is. So when you have a goal as the why, you know, why do I want to lose those 10 pounds or whatever it is and why and why and why. So I have to be really clear. So that’s that sacred secret number one.

Dr Teralyn: (05:59)
I want to comment on that because, um, so many times when you have a larger amount of weight to lose, uh, like say 40 or 50 pounds or even twenties can seem large at some times when you, when you do go somewhere, and this has happened to me too, people are like, well, why don’t you just, you know, aim for 10 and then you’ll be successful at 10. And you’re like, or are you telling me that I can’t be successful to lose 40 right. Which sets you up for some failure if you will. You know?

Andrea Caprio: (06:34)
Oh, it absolutely does. And of course, I mean, you know, wanting to lose 40 pounds is huge. Even 10 pounds does matter. I mean, no matter what it is, and that’s really where actually my sacred secret number two comes in. Do it getting really, really clear on your actions, strategize your actions because you know, you’re not going to lose those 40 pounds in two weeks. I mean, it’s not gonna happen. You know, you will need a year, two years, whatever likes for that on a mutual, probably a couple of years to put it on. So you know, unit really to get clear. And so when you have the big goal, then you cut it down into smaller steps and you will start with that. Say what’s your one year goal or your six months gold, perhaps whatever it is, and then your coffee down in three months and one month in one week and then eventually in two daily steps.

Andrea Caprio: (07:24)
And that’s what I’m working with my clients, which makes it so successful actually is um, you know, when you have a career plan and you’re cut it down into that in the morning you would just get up, you wake up and know what to do and it goes a little bit too, like I said earlier with the brushing your tears, you know, when you know actually what you do is, um, then it’s so clear and then really, you know, you can make that plan and get super clear on it, refine it. So also the trick is then to review it. And that’s why coaching is so powerful because you have a plan, you work on it and then you review it, you fine tune it and then continue and so on. So, you know, step by step, you improve actually what you’re doing. You improve your lifestyle, you improve your, um, the goal.

Andrea Caprio: (08:09)
Of course you work towards your goal all the time. So that’s really, really powerful. And there you can really also, when you do that, when you find fun ways, you know, fun ways to burn some fat, you know, to eat healthier could be mindful eating for example. That is really, you know, some fun way actually to be more aware of what you’re actually eating or find fun ways to um, to exercise. You know, it doesn’t need to go to gym, uh, by your headset. Some pieces of it, some really hate it. Right. You know, just dancing around your house while you vacuum. Please put loud music on this phone.

Dr Teralyn: (08:46)
Right. I think it’s funny because um, we have this idea that exercise has to be prescribed a certain amount of time doing a certain, you know, so dancing around the house doesn’t fit into that idealized version of what exercise is. Right. So I think, yeah, it’s like changing mental strategy around that. Like any movement is good movement,

Andrea Caprio: (09:11)
right? I mean, I love walking in the morning was my husband, you know, we’d have like a 15 minute morning walk almost every morning and we love it. Chat, we catch up. It’s beautiful. You’re out in the nature. And that’s a way already I’m, you know, getting some warm. Right.

Dr Teralyn: (09:28)
Nice and [inaudible].

Andrea Caprio: (09:31)
Absolutely. And perhaps they are also, one thing is, um, you know, when you strategize your actions don’t, um, don’t opt for, um, perfectionism. We try always to be perfect or do at hundred percent ride every day. 1% improvement is what ideally you can, um, achieve. You know, it’s not too difficult, 1% of improvement every day. And when you do the calculation, I’m not sure if it’s 72 or 74 days, but you get actually 100% results when you do that. Well sometimes that’s nice. Really helps you get towards your, your goals.

Dr Teralyn: (10:07)
Yeah. Nice. All right, so what is the next secret

Andrea Caprio: (10:10)
that’s a to upgrade your skills. Um, so now that’s just of course something where very often I know you work with your clients on that I do as well is really it’s to find out what skills I needed to, to achieve that. So we do usually, we of course check very deeply into physically the root causes, what’s wrong, what’s not working. But sometimes they are also just like things. Um, how to shop healthier and you know, yes, of course out there on Google there’s almost Mitch mismatch inflammation. So it is good to work with a professional there to find out really what are the right foods to buy. Um, what, um, macro nutrients you need, what micronutrients you need and things like that. What kind of exercise is perhaps better, what lifestyle changes you can do, how to improve your stress on NSC with everybody, there’s too much stress.

Andrea Caprio: (11:01)
I think it’s a 99% or so. My clients have too much stress no matter if they work and don’t work. Um, but stress just in our life, we can not avoid it, but how to deal better with it, uh, is something I really love to educate my clients on. And I think that’s essential. And the other thing is sleep and sleep as one of those things very often forget. And then sleep is really responsible and especially emotional eating and weight loss is so important because when we are tired, um, it affects our hormones and that affects the, uh, hunger hormones, the craving hormones. It affects our weight loss as well. I mean there were studies done where actually depending on your mother, um, the sleep, the amount of sleeps, the study group did. So one was under slept, so five hours to seven hours and once that eight hours, the difference was 37% in weight loss for those who slept longer.

Dr Teralyn: (11:59)
Oh Wow. So how, how, okay, so sleep is like the search for the Holy Grail, right? Every everybody talks about improving sleep, but do you have some, and I’m putting you on the spot here, so if it, if it’s a no, it’s totally fine. Do you have some really good ideas on how someone can improve their sleep?

Andrea Caprio: (12:19)
Of course. Put me on the spot. I’m dealing with that everyday.

Dr Teralyn: (12:22)
I know, right? It’s a topic.

Andrea Caprio: (12:26)
Oh yeah. I’m so passionate. Look that. I think the biggest thing I would say is electronics. Um, because nowadays we can just not get away from electronics and I’m various guilty as well as, you know, in the evening I’m there on less. I’ll phone and I’m checking Facebook or whatever is all I’m doing miles or watching TV or being on my computer or whatever. I tried to switch down and rather replace these things with reading, perhaps all with a walk outside or just relaxing. So I would definitely say about one hour before sleeping, ideally two hours stop. All the electronics have also summed in live morally yellow light. Actually what happens with the electronics as this blue light is decreasing your Melatonin and you need the Melatonin direction now a [inaudible] or something as well you can use most phones and computers have apps that actually make your a screen yellowish.

Andrea Caprio: (13:27)
So that’s less. And you have also classes to look for that much. You have yellow glasses, we can I put on top of yours or just like yellow glasses and they’re also soften. And so that would be the next best thing. Okay. And then the other thing that’s just is really have a nice sleep routine. I’m very much about routines. I mean my life is really guided by with teens and initially a founded boring and all the kids hang out as a person. It’s like that. So fun to be the boring person. I want you to have routines, allow you to, you know, get all this clutter away and have more fun and be more free. So a nighttime routine is really something that could be a meditation would be journaling for example. It could be a walk, like I said, or whatever it is. I mean, I would have a routine every night which kind of says to the Brian, we’re going to go to sleep now.

Dr Teralyn: (14:22)
Good. Yeah. I am all about routines myself and um,

Andrea Caprio: (14:28)

Dr Teralyn: (14:28)
I used to own daycare centers and so we’re like routine, routine, routine, routine. Let your body know what to expect next. And I think that also happens with sleep. Like if we have a sleep routine, you’re letting your body know it’s time to wind down. This is how we do it. And I think we do this very well with our children. You know, at time routines, you know, bath book, bed and, but then we don’t do the same thing for ourselves, you know? Right. So,

Andrea Caprio: (14:57)
yeah, absolutely right. And unfortunately not all children have any more the book a sleep.

Dr Teralyn: (15:04)
Right. Exactly. Exactly. All right. Was that number four? That was number three. That’s number three. All right.

Andrea Caprio: (15:13)
To optimize your environment. Um, so that’s definitely um, cool. And what should you around? Oh, she just around yourself. So the core is actually quite important and I learned something which I didn’t know until very recently is even second degree connections. So the friends of your friends or the friends of the people you surround yourself with most are influencing your own Navajo. So interesting. Interesting. Yeah, I didn’t know that as well. I thought of course, because we know, you know the five people you surround yourself directly go into the most and all that, but it’s even the second degree connections which have an influence. So here I want to look a little bit into your surroundings. Now, if you all have been perhaps not having the perfect lifestyle and I’ll the bodies and the people are eating all the time and doing perhaps the things you don’t want to do anymore, maybe it’s time not to forget your friends and give them up, but surround yourself with people who encourage you or I’m on your behavior, the new person you want to be.

Andrea Caprio: (16:18)
Now I love also it’s a little bit the alter ego by [inaudible] grade book by the way. It’s really to become the person you want to. Um, and you know that could be a surrounding yourself more was gen people. Yeah. People go to general, your take off on your hobby or something like that. And the same who do it was people is of course your surroundings, Ira in your house. So if you have really your couples for us sugar way forward and you want to stop, please take everything and give it to charity or trash it away or whatever it is, you know, put it away. Because if you see it every day, then you are probably more likely to alter it and make it all said to have the access to your butt habits. So put your gym shoes, you know, right in front of when you get up. So you see that and it’s easy for you to do some workout.

Dr Teralyn: (17:08)
Yeah. And so, um, if your goal is to get up and workout the next day, so when you lay your clothes out or lay your shoes out the night before, you’re actually setting that intention eight hours before. And so it makes it a lot more difficult, um, to avoid it in the morning. Right. So that’s all set right there versus running around in the morning and telling Yourself, oh, I don’t have time to pack that gym bag even though you wanted to yesterday. Um, you can, I’m going say run out of time and, uh, you know, convince yourself not to do it. But I have found that if I, if I pack something the night before and laid out the night before, I’m more likely to follow through with that in the morning time. So, yeah.

Andrea Caprio: (17:52)
Yeah, absolutely. Right. I fully agree in and of course it’s a lot of the mindset coming in. Then I will talk about that more just in a second. But that also helps them to go back to step two is, you know, the planning is, for example, I ride every night. I have a little thing I scribble like my Sri four things or so I want really to achieve the next day. I have a big planning process and all that, but I will always write in the evening the things I’m gonna do the next day. And then in the morning I just got up and I get going.

Dr Teralyn: (18:22)
Yeah. They intention is being set, the neurological connection is being made so good.

Andrea Caprio: (18:28)

Dr Teralyn: (18:31)

Andrea Caprio: (18:32)
totally into the last point. Um, of my sacred secrets is mastery of psychology. It’s the alliance side. Yeah. For me, I think that’s an, I guess we agree on that one was really the most important.

Dr Teralyn: (18:44)
Yes. Should be number one. That’s what I left the best for the lot. That’s right. Okay. Okay. So it’s really, you know,

Andrea Caprio: (18:51)
it’s all about getting clear on your fears, your doubts and all that. And working with at the limiting the needs. I mean, I see, especially working, I work a lot with women a little bit more than men, but men have a chores and limiting beliefs. You know, we have been told when we were children, uh, that we have to eat up our plates, you know, we have to finish everything. All we’ve been told we are not good enough or not strong in us or not loved enough or whatever it is. Or also with things because we’re probably have not been told, but we’ve been carrying this thoughts in a big suitcase our whole life. Yeah. And that’s what I’m passionate about in coaching and how I really work. And I guess the biggest transformation with my clients is to see, you know, get rid of those limiting beliefs. I’m transformed her in the truth and, and be there authentically, not speak your truth, be your chores. And that’s of course where the emotional eating all coming in there because the emotional eating is really something. And I love, you know what, since [inaudible] was our coach and mentor side is um, you know, to find out what you’re really homeless for. Yes. It’s on them or

Dr Teralyn: (20:04)
it’s never the food. I, and I like that phrase a lot too. Cause I think it makes a lot of sense. And um, those limiting beliefs. It’s funny you mentioned the suitcase cause I always tell people it’s a backpack because we’ve strapped it on us, you know, and we carry it wherever we go because it’s convenient and easy and hard to put it down. So yeah, and I, and I tell people all the time, or like over time we searched for evidence that what’s in the backpack is true. And then I will find more out yet, here’s this, that’s going to go on the backpack too and that’s going to go in. And pretty soon we are just crawling or slithering on the floor because that backpack is so heavy and it feels, it feels hard to, um, overcome. So that I believe that that limiting belief is tied to so much, you know, mental health, um, food, whatever. It’s just tied to so much. So it’s, if nothing else, everybody that’s listening, please begin to start working on those limiting belief systems because they are in fact what is holding you back.

Andrea Caprio: (21:08)
Yeah, right. Absolutely. And I love actually the, I think I might steal that from you.

Dr Teralyn: (21:13)
Yeah. Because he has it is,

Andrea Caprio: (21:18)
and I see it, it was just everybody. I mean it’s flabbergasting. And to be honest, myself as well, you know, I had those limiting beliefs and I still have them. You know, I’ve worked, I’ve done the work. Um, but there are things I believe, you know, it’s really working, uh, through our whole lives. There will always be little things tonight of moments, this little voice and your brain says, oh no, you’re not worth see. And Ama. Yeah. And that’s a, you know, I believe really in coaching, I’ve just come back from Miami, from a coaching seminar was amazing. And it’s really about coaching is really so important for everybody. I mean, I think it’s the biggest force. You know, I have a coach, I’m sure you have a coach too. We all need coaches because it’s always, you know, calming. It’s constant growing, growing, growing. And when we’ve overcome finally something, there will be other things. And that’s really, um, you know, it’s a lifelong learning and growing and it gets stronger.

Dr Teralyn: (22:17)
Right. And I also think, I also think, you know, you, you might, um, overcome a belief or, and then years later, there it is again. You’re like, oh crap. Yeah. Here it is again. Here we are with the backpack back on you when they arrived before. Yes. Yes. You never know what it might creep up back. I hear that a lot. Like I thought I was over that. I’m like, well, you know what? For the most part, yes, but we don’t know what kind of circumstance we’re going to be in, in the future that is going to trigger some of that again, you know? Um, but yeah, so again, message being work on your limiting beliefs, right. Work, work those out. So all right. Was that number five? I’ve lost track of her. I remember, I would say yes.

Andrea Caprio: (23:05)
Five sacred secrets. You’ve got them all. So I just [inaudible] a repeat them. So first of all, it gets really key. Clarify your direction and then next one, strategize your actions. So really like a step by step plan, upgrade your skills. So you know, sit down and write what’s missing or what don’t, you know and you know, I a book that the coach, whatever it is, you know, look for it. Um, then optimize your environment so it makes it so much more easier. You know, you don’t want to have to fight against something. Right. And then last, you know, work on your mindset. Get rid of those limiting beliefs.

Dr Teralyn: (23:42)
Nice. All right, so where can everybody you Andrea.

Andrea Caprio: (23:47)
Okay, so I um, bought the best is my website, which is a wellness methods.com. I’m sure you’re sharing this somewhere.

Dr Teralyn: (23:55)
Yup. This will be in the show notes for everyone. [inaudible]

Andrea Caprio: (23:57)
the Barra and then I’m also a having a gift for everybody. Yes, please. What is the gift? Okay, I’m having an emotional stress eating formula. So something which is super, super easy for you to do at home, which helps you actually to overcome emotional stress eating. And that’s one I will, uh, I’ll see you. We’ll share it. So it’s [inaudible] dot com forward slash emotional stress eating and two we’ll share it with, we’ll also have a link. Yup. Anybody wants to dive deeper and you know, find out a little bit more on how to overcome emotional eating. I also offer some free sessions, um, emotional and emotional eating session, so that will be also shared with you. So you can, you know, connect with me. It’s free of charge and I help you really to dive deep and, and helps you both work with this cost but obviously focused on personalized on yourself.

Dr Teralyn: (24:51)
Awesome. And I will remind you, but she’ll also have her five sacred secrets as a blog post. So we’ll have, we’ll have that linked in and below. So don’t worry everyone, all the links on how to get a hold of Andrea will be in the show notes here. So this was wonderful. Thank you so much for coming on. It’s always a pleasure to talk with you, Andrea. Um, and everyone, please leave us a comment, let us know how you liked the show and we will see you next time.

Andrea Caprio: (25:23)
Thank you so much stuff. Dr Teralyn, thank you everybody for listening. I hope this was useful and I look forward to seeing more of you on to, I look forward to having you on my interview.

Dr Teralyn: (25:32)
Oh yes. Oh yeah, I’ll be there. All right, take care. Bye. Take care. Bye. I really hope you love this episode as much as I did. Please CLICK HERE to subscribe to this podcast and leave a review. Basically wherever your favorite place to listen to the podcast is and don’t forget to head over to kickoff your damn heels.com for information about my book, my private Facebook page, and for more free bonus content. See you next time.

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