Recently I was featured in this article in HuffPost about how Hollywood is playing out the drama of the pandemic (COVID-19) and whether or not your brain health and mental health can be impacted negatively as a result. 

As we are relegated to our homes in search of entertainment, Hollywood has begun to create story lines on our favorite television shows  that are unfolding the crisis of the pandemic almost in real time.  We are left to ponder if watching these shows that continuously have us re-live the stress and trauma around the pandemic almost daily. 

We are beginning to understand the mental load that the response to the pandemic is causing.  What we know is that many people across the globe have been struggling emotionally with the constant loss, grief and even trauma.  But, it is important to understand how the replaying of this trauma can impact mental health on a more substantial scale.  

For the most part, Hollywood and subsequent entertainment and television shows can provide a much needed escape from reality.  You can basically sit down in front of another ‘person’s’ life and can momentarily wash away your own troubles of the day.  However, something has changed within Hollywood and now we are peering in on our own lives, often re-living our surroundings in real time.  It is a surreal sort of experience which could lead to a re-traumatization of what is really happening or even a sense of hypervigilance repeating our own traumas. 

Continue to the full HuffPost News Report: more about Dr. Teralyn and the work she does with Brain Health and her Educational Brain Health Certification, and Brain Health Supplement line Pro Recovery RX.