In recent weeks there has been a huge shift into working from home. I know in my case, it felt like I moved an entire mountain with my practice. I literally moved 2 clinicians from a brick and mortar location to a completely online practice in less than 48 hours. I know many of you have done similar things.

Now, I’m at home all day long with my dog Linus who already knows the command, “time for work” and will gleefully run upstairs and wait for me outside the office door. My son, on the other hand, is needing some serious prompting to maintain his motivation in school. It’s his senior year and not only does he have a case of senioritis, but his desire to keep a schedule is lacking.

I was recently asked to contribute to an article about how to set boundaries while working from home. Many of you have it even worse than me creating make shift office space on the kitchen counter, homeschooling youngsters, etc. Things have changed, so boundaries need to be in place.

Check out my recent article contribution on YAHOO news, NBC news and Yup, it was picked up by 3 national venues, cool!

I give my favorite tips to setting and maintaining boundaries on the home from during the coronavirus self quarantine.