Finally Get A Good Night Sleep

You dream of sleeping, but your brain won’t shut off

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I Like You, And Naps…

You are so tired every single day and struggle getting a good night’s sleep every night.

The fatigue you feel hits you like a freight train every day around 2pm.  You don’t get out of bed ready for the day like you used to.  You have sleepless night regularly.  

Your coffee mug is endlessly full and you just can’t seem to feel awake no matter how hard you try.  You sneak in a nap whenever possible even though you feel guilty about it.

Lack of sleep is not helping anxiety and depression.  As a matter of fact, not getting the sleep you want is robbing you of time, of energy of experiences.

Getting a good night’s sleep is a bit of a science.  First we have to understand why you can’t get the sleep you want and then we need to fix it.  Don’t go another sleepless night, let’s get started!

Every Night Is The Same…

You lay there, hoping that you will get good sleep

but it never comes.

It’s like a cruel joke, isn’t it?  During the day you are so tired that you can barely keep your eyes open and at night you struggle to get a good night’s sleep.  You count the hours until you can put your pajamas on and go to bed.  But when you finally get the chance to actually sleep…you can’t.  Your brain suddenly decides that it’s time to question every decision you’ve ever made, or go over the things you may have forgotten to do.  It won’t shut off!

Sometimes it’s so bad that you start to get worried when bedtime comes….

It’s gotten so bad that you start feeling anxious around bedtime.  You begin to worry about how much sleep you will or won’t get.  

The clock ticks away and you start psyching yourself out that you can survive the day on 5 hours of sleep, 4 hours of sleep, or less.  But when you finally fall asleep…the alarm rings and you start this whole thing over again.  You feel tired, wired and beside yourself.  

It’s time to get a good night’s sleep once and for all.