If you have ever really wondered what self care is, please head to my featured article in Women’s Day 13 Self Care Ideas That Actually Heal Your Mind and Soul.
The idea of self care is one that is not often achieved. In fact, the words self care are whipped around like an easy concept to manage, but one that is surrounded in theory rather than action. This leaves us wondering what is self care anyway? Particularly what is self care during a pandemic? Often mental health providers perpetuate this mystery by providing a vision of self care to their clients that is commercialized or unattainable. Worse yet, providing a theory without any action to follow it up.
Due to the commercialization of self care, we are lead to believe that it takes a ton of time and a big wallet to engage in. To take things a step further, in this time of COVID-19 the traditional, more commercialized ideas of self care have become difficult to schedule or halted altogether. It is time that we being to rethink the definition of what it means to provided self care. Self care is not massages and pedicures. It can be, if that is what you want, however that is also an outsourcing of self care. If we don’t redefine self care based on our own likes and dislikes, we leave out the vast majority of the population as well as virtually alienate men in the discussion.
So, what is self care then? In this news feature, Dr. Teralyn discusses the importance of defining self care in terms that are not commercialized or expensive. Head over to read about this important discussion.
Continue to the full Woman’s Day Report: https://www.womansday.com/health-fitness/wellness/g32619113/self-care-ideas/Learn more about Dr. Teralyn and the work she does with Brain Health.